Here goes....
Today started off slightly slower, with Hannah, Jess, MaeCile and Nate all out and with just Kerry, Hugh, Kathrin and I left we took the time to slowly make our way through chores and I packed the remainder of my stuff before we left for Cody to pick up our hire car for the weekend to go to Billings. Driving away from the ranch and unsure whether I'd return again was a particularly hard moment. I had made sure I made my way down to Tina to spend some final moments giving her (unwanted) cuddles and telling her I'm sure I'd see her again one day. I spent a few moments alone just looking around, listening to the wildlife and breathing all that I'd experienced here in. Ive always thought that when people come back from trips telling their friends they've had the opportunity to learn new things about themselves is complete rubbish - but is genuinely how I feel. 2015 has been one of the most challenging years to date for me as I've made those drastic changes I began this post with, but sitting here, it felt like I was finally ready to head back to England and face whatever life was about to throw at me next.
Once we arrived at Cody we headed to Mc Donalds and then to pick up our car. Hugh and I sat in the front with me in charge of the music and him obviously in charge of driving. We had a fun car journey with Kathrin sleeping (that girl sleeps anywhere!), Kerry in the back giving directions and Hugh and I singing along and taking stupid snapchats.
Once in Billings, Montana, the 4 of us checked into our hotel room (we all shared for cost reasons, which was interesting!) and attempted to book tickets for the evening rodeo. However, we soon discovered there was $6-8 booking fee per ticket if booked over the phone or online, so Hugh and I got the map out and drove to the rodeo grounds to buy the tickets in person. It wasn't far and we could at least then gauge an idea of where we were going that evening. When there we both decided to book us into the most expensive seats and right at the front, with assurance from the lady behind the counter telling us we would have the most amazing night in those seats. I was ridiculously excited as this was another big thing on my bucket list that I was so keen to cross off. It's been a goal of mine to go to a rodeo for as long as I can remember and I could not believe it was finally happening!

The rodeo was amazing and the lady behind that counter was right - we had a fantastic evening being so close to where everything was happening. We could literally lean down and touch the horses and regularly got face-fulls of dirt when the horses or bulls went past at speed. Somehow the rodeo clown ended up picking our tourist look about us out and introduced us to the rest of the crowd as being from Britain which was entertaining. My mouth hung open in complete awe all evening as we watched bull riding, bronc riding, team roping, calf tie down, barrel racing and then kids having a go at catching and riding an unbroken shetland. Much to my mothers disappointment it made me even more keen to give barrel racing and possibly bronc riding a go. I guess I must just be bonkers!

This morning started off very relaxed with us all leisurely getting up and taking it in turn to shower before heading out to breakfast. As it happens the restaurant said we would have to wait at least 30 minutes for a table so decided to order breakfast to go and sat in Jess's room on the bed watching a film with our breakfast on our lap instead. Soon enough it was time to head back to Cody where Hugh and I were staying in a hotel for the evening because I had to leave at 6am the next morning to catch my flight to New York. It was a nice drive back again with me in the front deciding which music to put on, Hugh driving, Kathrin fast asleep, Kerry giving directions and Jess who was catching a lift back with us also zonked! Before long I was also fast sleep and poor Kerry and Hugh had to navigate us back to Cody just between the two of them.
After we picked our car back up, Jess took Hugh and I back to our hotel for the evening whilst the rest of the group went to the cinema. Hugh and I managed a lovely couple of hours nap - or more, I napped for a few hours whilst he caught up with some sports on TV! After catching up on the sleep we had decided to meet as a group again and go for one last dinner with me there. It was finally hitting me that I would be leaving tomorrow and really didn't want to. I was dreading going to New York alone and having to spend 3 days a tourist, alone with no company, but also slightly excited at seeing the City that never sleeps.


I've crossed various bits off my bucket list - some more comical than others and some goals that have always been childhood dreams I never envisaged I'd ever get the opportunity to have a go at. Horseworks does exactly this for you; it opens your eyes to the bigger picture, it gives you the chance to explore not only your abilities but also you as well. When leaving the ranch, I didn't leave with sadness nor regret for anything I hadn't managed to do - I left with the sense of peacefulness and tranquility this place has to offer and the feeling that no matter how far into the future, I would be back. MaeCile is right, this place has become a home away from home for me and in 10, 20 or even 50 years time when I look back and remember the memories I created at Horseworks, I'll always look back with a sense of achievement and euphoria - for MaeCile, Nate and Horseworks made many of my wildest dreams come true and for that I owe them more than they can ever imagine. A place where dreams do become reality and a place where friends become family - Horseworks will always hold a special part in my heart.
Hi, thank you so much for posting this beautiful journal of your time at HorseWorks. Reading it gave me so much excitement, as I plan to stay there this June and I am truly counting down the days. I seriously can't wait. I hope I get to experience just as much euphoria as you did! Hope you are doing well :)