I can't believe the end of my adventure is near - but for now, enjoy part 4 of my trip!
We all had such a good day together in Yellowstone National Park today. Despite spending a whole day out on the park we only managed to drive around half of it. If you're thinking of visiting, I'd definitely recommend doing an overnight stay somewhere in the park so you can get to see as much as possible. We all thoroughly enjoyed our day and definitely saw some special sights that I couldn't wait to show everyone back home the photos of. Yellowstone is simply a breathtaking place that has hundreds of little secret pulling in places which all give you the opportunity to experience the natural beauty of the place. I've never been to a place so fascinating and mesmeric in all my life; the waterfalls, nature, animals in their natural habitats and everything else, it was so tranquil and peaceful.

We walked several miles and by the end of the day my feet were beginning to complain that they would much rather sit down, but we saw things today that will stay with me forever and what made it even more special was being able to share it with the rest of the group.
Today was categorically awesome. After two of the group members went out wrangling this morning with Hannah and Jess it transpired that none of the horses were on the property, meaning that the fence we put up last week still wasn't stopping the pesky bunch from escaping.
So, it was back to the hay field to wrangle them home which we all knew would mean an opportunity to have a canter - perfect! The horses almost cooperated and only veered off slightly, but despite that it was fun having to go and fetch them again. I think its safe to say that today we rather went for it and got our chance to give our mounts a good leg stretch. Tina loved it, she never ceases to amaze me as she heads up the front of the herd and manages to keep up, despite being several hands smaller than the rest.

The moment we began wrangling the horses home we all began to cheer at the opportunity to do something we all could only dream about doing back home. I couldn't help but laugh out loud and smile to myself as the feeling of being in control of all those horses and playing a part in getting them from one place to another in such an old fashioned way is just overwhelming.
After lunch a yellow school bus full of children from the local came for their last session with MaeCile. They were given the chance to groom, tack up the ponies and then were asked to check each others tacking up skills and point out any faults. It wasn't about picking faults, but more seeing where they could improve. MaeCile and Nate are huge believers in encouraging rather than demotivating those who want to learn and as I looked around the group I could see each child watching and listening to MaeCile like she was the only person in the corral - all with admiration and keen to learn.
The children were split into two groups, with one being the beginner group who we were asked to lead, whilst the others practiced leading the colts and foals. Before they had arrived, Jess and I had been tasked with catching and putting halters on the colts which made for an interesting half hour! None wanted to be caught and thought it was a fun game running around the corral and hiding behind their mum's!
Finally, after lots of walking, chatting to the children and posing for various photos it was time to put the horses to bed and head back up to the ranch ourselves. We were all very tired and so decided tonight was going to be a movie night and all us girls could have the opportunity to drool over the cowboys in "The Longest Ride". I don't think I realised how tired I was until I woke up wedged between poor Kathrin and Hugh on the sofa to the credits rolling and everyone declaring it was bed time. The both of them had acted as rather comfy pillows for me and I'd had the best 2 hours sleep after sinus pain and no sleep the night before!
Another important goal of mine on the famous bucket list was to learn to barrel race, so you can imagine my delight when after groundwork Jess started to put some barrels out and promised to show us how it was done. She started by explaining the do's and dont's of barrel racing, when you would get any penalties and explaining the pattern. Surprisingly there was more to it than I initially thought and whilst a friend and I have previously described it as similar to Pony Club games, I was keen to learn it was actually very different, with a high level of skill required.

All too soon it was time to head back to the corral and by this point I was feeling even more poorly and sleepy than I had the day before. I knew what was wrong and after speaking to MaeCile she suggested someone take me into Cody so I could go to the Doctors and get some antibiotics. Hugh very kindly offered to drive and Kathrin as a doctor, came along for the drive and to pick up some bits from town. They were both very sweet with Hugh offering to come in to see the doctor with me, whilst Kathrin went off shopping, however I decided it was best to leave him in the waiting room, but was thankful for the offer of company. As it turns out I did need antibiotics and was sent on my way with a diagnosis of tonsillitis and sinusitis, accompanied by some antibiotics and a $150 bill that I now had to claim back from my insurance. I think it all adds to the experience of this trip and was rather keen to share my experiences of going to an American doctors when back home. Once again, they all loved my very British accent and I lost count of how many times they laughed at the way I say Paracetamol. Unfortunately our wait in Walmart for antibiotics was seemingly a long one, which was frustrating as we were supposed to be going out for a sunset ride. However, after a quick text to Hannah and Jess it turned out they were also running late and this was cancelled meaning I could take my time looking round the shop - with a very frustrated Hugh in tow that he hated shopping with girls!

Today was another good day, we were all up bright eyed and bushy tailed ready for early morning chores and the excitement of riding somewhere new. We tacked the horses up and then loaded them into the trailer with the plan of heading over to the Cassie trail for a ride. A beautiful trail, surrounded by stunning scenery and nature at its finest, the Cassie trail is something special. The views reminded me a lot of Cow Camp and I eagerly got my camera out at several opportunities to grab some photos and help remember this extraordinary place.

All too soon our ride was over and we arrived back at the trailer just before lunch. The plan for the rest of the afternoon was to finish our chores and then prepare to go out in the evening for our last night out as a whole group as two of the team were leaving on Friday.
We all had a lovely evening out at the Cowboy Bar in Meteetse again. Over the last two weeks I'd gotten several opportunities to have bets with Kathrin and Hugh and each time I'd just say "oh buy me a drink" so I used tonight as my chance to cash these in. The three of us spent the evening playing pool, laughing and joking and watching another of our group member get friendly with a local cowboy. It's not at all relevant but I want tonight documenting as the night I managed to beat Hugh in a game of pool - never in my life have I beat a man at Pool - and if he says he let me win, this is definitely not true!


We all were keen to have various photos taken of us donning the cowboy hat and boots, so I offered to be photographer and asked people to pose in different positions whilst I snapped away. Kathrin very kindly offered to take some photos of me and Tina which have come out lovely. I particularly like the more natural ones of us both in the corral - it is going to be a bittersweet and tough time leaving this pony behind.
Several photos and poses later it was time to go out and wrangle the horses back one last time. We had all had so much fun doing it previously that we asked if we could have one last go. Thankfully MaeCile is very understanding of our requests and asked Hannah and Jess to let some horses out the night before, then push them further afield early that morning. Today we were being left to it and it was up to us alone to wrangle the horses back to the ranch. The girls were there if we needed them, but this time we were effectively on our won - yeeha!

Part 5 is the final instalment of my Wyoming adventure, but also one of the most exciting as I get to cross yet another thing of my bucket list. I'll be posting it in the next couple of days!
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