Number 45 on the bucket list was learn to shoot, so as soon as I returned from America I looked at ways to get involved in Clay Pigeon Shooting and that's when I found the Shotgun & Chelsea Bun Club! A club that is on a mission to get more girls involved in shooting, the Shotgun & Chelsea Bun Club is great for both learning to shoot and making new friends. So, with both of those in mind, I eagerly booked on my first day with them!
I'd asked if one of the girls from the yard wanted to join me, so the both of us arrived at the venue in Nottingham with plenty of time to spare to have a look around. As soon as we arrived we were made to feel welcome by the rest of the ladies and assigned to an instructor that would be looking after us for the day.

Peter, our instructor was absolutely lovely. Not once did he make us feel like we couldn't do it and filled us both with positive thoughts. If we weren't sure he would keep on explaining until we felt confident to give it a go and if we wanted additional help, he carefully explained everything, showed us what to do and then asked if we felt okay to have a go. Peter had high hopes for us all and took us around the grounds so we could experience shooting the clays from different angles and so on. To end the day we finished with some rabbit clays which were surprisingly easy to get despite being rather fast for us anyway! I definitely found the clays that came from the left to the right much easier to shoot, whereas a couple of the others I didn't feel I was very good at.
By the end we were all rather cold and the rain had just begun to start so it was nice to head indoors and sit down with some tea and cake whilst having a natter about our morning and how we found it! It's true though, the club really seems to focus on making friends, having fun and meeting new people as well as learning to shoot. It's great for those that want to go out and try their hand at something new, without the pressure.

If anyone is interested in having a go at Clay Pigeon Shooting or finding more out about the Shotgun & Chelsea Bun Club, then head on over to their website . I can guarantee you'll be made to feel more than welcome!
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