Firstly I must apologise for my quietness over the past week, what a hectic 7 days it has been!
Last weekend unfortunately the snow stopped play again and I was left unable to ride Ceaser. I did however manage to hack out on Monday morning before heading off to University and Ceaser was full of it, leg-yielding and showing how lovely his half passes are down the middle of the road. Silly boy! The kids from the yard were on half term last week so they came too and it was lovely to get off the yard for a short while. Whenever it's just me and the kids they seem to relax and be themselves, the jokes they come out with never fail to amuse me and I can't help but think how grown up they seem in young bodies. I met both Megan and Kerry roughly three years ago now just before I started university. Neither had ponies, one couldn't ride and the other very nervous. Now, they give me a run for my money! It is so lovely to see how they have progressed in the three years.
My week at University was hectic, I have barely had time to stop and think. This week has seen me rushing between photoshoots, university competitions, lectures, more photoshoots and organising valentines day!
A few weeks ago I saw a tweet from uni's press office asking for those students whom had achieved something during their time at university to get in touch - so I did. I tweeted about the success of competing with Ceaser, my Blog taking off, gaining my Column in Equestrian Life Magazine and much more. Thinking about it now, these past few months have been surreal. Owen, from DMU's press office got in touch with me and asked if I would be interested in appearing in their undergraduate prospectus for 2013 as they were selective of who was in it. Of course, I accepted and Monday I went for the first individual photoshoot and interview. The follow up photoshoot which was a group one was then on Wednesday afternoon. I can't wait to see the final copy and I am sure it will look great!

Tuesday as I am sure you are all aware was Valentines Day. I was well and truly spoilt by my other half, Mark. He got me an Ipad2 so I could be more of a professional Journalist and take it to interviews with me. It is fantastic and I love it! I must admit it has made me feel more profesisional and I can't wait to get out and use it more.
Wednesday saw Mark and I getting up at silly o clock and heading out to Brooksby College in Melton to compete in the universities sports challenge, BUCS. This is a series of competitions where universities compete against others in their region. The aim is to compete for the opportunity to represent Great Britain. I am in DMU's A tem and am also the captain and chairperson of the team. I take the competing seriously and as if I was riding Ceaser in any other competition, just because it's not for "me" as an individual it doesn't mean I don't try. I love being part of a team and competing for one another, it is a brilliant feeling, especially that moment when you find you have done well. The competition was due to finish at 3 but as soon as I had finished my Jumping round I had to rush off for the second part of the photoshoot which was starting at 3, in Leicesters town centre. this took longer than expected and 2 hours later I ran out of the studio to find Mark in his car where he had been waiting after me saying I would only be 10 minutes, whoops!
Thursday was a whole new experience for me, I don't want to mention it too much now and give

too much away as I will be writing an individual blog for the whole of the day. A few weeks ago I wrote a Blog post on getting press passes to Southwell Races; well on Thursday mark and I redeemed them and spent the day being treated like royalty! We gambled far too much though and sadly only backed one winner. The experience was surreal though and I got a taste of what being a real journalist is like.
On to Ceaser, he was fantastic this week. He hasn't done some 'proper' schooling for three weeks due to the snow so I was pleasantly surprised how well he went this weekend. We did lots of walk to canter transitions, leg yielding, half passes and shoulder in. I really need to get out and do another affiliated dressage test as soon as possible with him. It's unfair for him to be going so well and not show him off. I have a week off university next week so am very much looking forward to riding him everyday and preparing for an up and coming One Day Event we have soon. Next weekend James Arkley, a local event rider and equine dentist is coming to give a show jumping clinic at our yard, so I am joining in with Ceaser to have a change from showing, schooling and dressage.
Now, something I want to mention is this; this week I was told if I want to be deemed as a professional journalist then I should stop airing my views on Twitter. Sadly I do not agree with this and think that people follow others for a reason. To get a feel of their day and keep up with them. Why should those in the public eye watch who or what they moan about or comment on a topic they haven't agreed with. Why should Journalists, footballers, musicians - anyone, be different to any 'normal person'. Why shouldnt we be able to say as we feel too? Who says we can't, and what gives others the right to say "Well that's not deemed professional?" In reality, do we know what 'professional' is nowadays, with social media and networking as big as it is. What is seen as being a professional post? A couple of weeks back when I went to see Clare Balding at university she openly said some people annoy her. Yes, people annoy others and what or who says you can't comment on this? Feel free to comment should you wish to discuss this? I am a very open Journalist and like any other person enjoy a good debate. One of my flaws may be being very honest in everything i do, but I think this is the best way to be. Don't be a liar, don't hide behind someone you pretend to be. For example if you dont like someone, why pretend to? Why live a lie?
In the words of Bon-Jovi "Just listen to yourself, not what others say. Be who you are, be who you want to be."

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