We have had some fantastic news on the yard this week and everyone is really excited. We have finally been given our Riding School license which means we are now able to give Riding Lessons. I personally will not be doing it as I am not qualified, but we have hired two instructors who have all the correct qualifications and are looking forward to meeting new clients.
It is quite a big thing for us, as when we took the yard over, some seven years ago it was in a terrible state. The barns had no stables in, there was no fenced paddocks, and there was certainly no menage. We have built the yard up from nothing and are all so proud of what it is becoming. The future for us is exciting, and I am very much looking forward to seeing what the future has in store for us!
I have also been in talks with various riders about doing some clinics with us, and I can say that 2012 is set to be a very good year. More on this at another time...
I saw on Twitter earlier today that my university are looking for "success stories" from its students. I'm not really sure what people class a success story nowadays so I took a shot at it and emailed about my recent successes with Ceaser, and writing for various Equestrian magazines and websites. Much to my amazement I got an email back saying they had already read my Blog last week and were very interested!
I am so pleased that my Blog is reaching people - I really was unsure if I was just writing rubbish that people weren't reading, but it turns out its reaching more than I anticipated. Who knew?
It really is lovely for me to hear that my Blog is attracting people and I am not wasting my time. As a 'wannabe' journalist I think I strive from hearing good pointers about my work.
On to some bad news.. Ceaser is unfortunately on antibiotics at the moment. I'm really not sure how as he's never had it before but he's suddenly developed bad mud fever on one of his hind legs. His leg was rather swollen this past weekend, but he seems to hopefully be on the mend now. The vets prescribed him some Antibiotics and the swelling seems to be going down. Thank god. I hate seeing any of my animals in pain or suffering, I don't like it. I put up with his leg being swollen all weekend, and then Sunday night decided I would ring the vet the following day. He wasn't lame or sore in anyway, but I just couldn't bear to see him with one leg like it was. Fingers crossed he will be okay for Sunday for our first ever affiliated Dressage competition!
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