Lloyds Bank bring back the Black Horse to TV in a touching horses helping humans story

Forget lonely penguins, Lloyds Bank kick started its 250-year anniversary with the unveiling of their new "Horse Story" TV advert featuring the iconic black horse and what a beauty it is. 

The advert begins in the 18th century with a foal being born and moves on to the black horse ploughing a field and then to a small team of horses pulling a fire engine. 

The 90-second advert then moves to the First World War before showing a clip that re-enacts the last horse-drawn Royal National Lifeboat Institution lifeboat being pulled from the sea. 

It then moves to a scence with two black horses pulling a carriage at an 80's wedding before eventually finishing with a black horse being cantered through a forest by British Para Show Jumper, Susi Rogers Hartley. 

The film was directed by Sam Brown through Rogue Films and Ben Tollet, executive creative director at Adam & Eve and in each of the scenes gives the idea that horses put people first. 

A simply breathtaking and stunning short film, this will no doubt be a talking point for many. Signalling trust and the idea of being by your side 24/7, this is the first time the black horse has been seen in any Lloyds adverts since 2007. 

I don't know about you, but I think it's a fantastic advert with such a poignant message. 10/10 for this Lloyds!
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