Born and Bred aims to support young riders with their ambition of reaching the top of their equestrian discipline. This is done with the help of a mentor and supported in part by Born and Bred Equestrian Clothing. In 2013 the scheme proved successful with many of the young riders gaining excellent placings at both national and regional competitions. Alongside this Born and Bred received extensive news coverage of the scheme in all forms of media.
Patrick has very kindly renewed my mentoring spot with the company and I am looking forward to seeing what 2014 has to offer. It was news that I was hoping I would receive after having had my fingers crossed for quite some time since putting my name forward earlier this year.

I cannot wait to put my order in for clothing as it is all fantastic and I really am stuck for choice on what to decide to have! My baselayer, gillet and hoody proved very popular last year and I barely wanted to take them off.
Ceaser and I have a profile page on the Charles James Fox website that you can view. It will provide you with all the information you need about me and how to get in contact. My unique rider number for the company is 9.
Charles James Fox (Born & Bred) website
I am so lucky to have been given this chance to be a dressage mentor and hope to share my tips and competition experience I have gained over the years with riders who need it. One thing I hope to show is that everyone has their bad days with horses, but not everyday is the same. You always need to be prepared to pick yourself back up, get back on and go try your best; in any sphere.
The hard work, thoughts and passion of equestrianism is evident in each and everyone of these products available, so if you have time please check them out.
Born & Bred offer both casual and competition country and equestrian clothing that does not come with a hefty price tag like most, so if you're stuck for a birthday or Christmas present idea for your loved one, then head over to the website - you never know, you could do all of your Christmas shopping on there!
Wall Planner
Art work
They are just a few examples of what Charles James Fox has to offer.
If you are interested in the scheme then please take a look at the website, there are options for everyone to get involved.
Entry Level
Level Riders are offered a discount off Born and Bred Equestrian clothing, with a view to increasing the level of support after the first year.
Young Rider Level
The Young Riders receive a 40% discount off the Born and Bred Equestrian clothing range which can all be personalised carrying their unique rider number initials & website if so wished. There is no obligation for the riders to buy/wear Born and Bred clothing. In addition the riders receive the help of a mentor rider, who they can go to for help with questions about their horse, their chosen discipline, they can meet up and chat over a performance with their mentor at a show or event and even book private one-to-one or small group sessions with their mentor on their yard. We are looking to run several clinics with the help of some of our mentors in 2013, and all young riders will be invited to attend if they wish. Charles James Fox also offers the opportunity to help young riders increase their profile through the social media as well as helping to set up web sites, blog sites as well as giving further exposure through the Charles James Fox web site and Facebook and Twitter pages. The programme is relaxed and Young Rider driven. It is they who should approach their mentor for help and advice or for booking private lessons.

The Mentors are fully sponsored and receive a designated amount of Born and Bred Equestrian clothing to wear at home as well as well as pre, during and post competition. Each mentor will have two or three young riders designated to them to help, support and look out for at events. The mentors have experienced the difficulties, heartache and been through the hard work, long hours as well as the many highs and lows en route to where they have got to in the equestrian world. The idea is that these riders, wh are also busy working hard to reach their goals are maybe two or three years ahead of where the Young Riders are currently. It is hoped that they are able to pass on the advice and tips which got them through a difficult time, managing success as well as failure and also being a friendly ear when you think it has all gone wrong and you just need to hear a positive voice. We feel that they are perfectly placed to offer their young riders the advice, help and guidance needed to negotiate the hard as well as the good times as they work to reach their goals in their chosen discipline.
There is a natural progression through the levels with Enrty Level Riders having the opportunity to move up to Young Riders and in turn the Young Riders can follow their mentors' lead and look to take on their own group of mentees if this is something that they show an interest or talent for.
Thank you again to Patrick for picking Ceaser and I to be one of your examples of someone to follow and I hope 2014 is going to be as successful as 2013 and with good partnerships.
Born and Bred Equestrian clothing having price tag, details as well as riders because of their dressage are really going to very helpful for young riders exactly who cares much with regards to their particular riding clothing.