A friend advised he could just have a touch of arthritis due to his age and to feed apple cider vinegar as an additional supplement in his feed. It is known for being a good supplement to add to horses feed that are arthritic and help with suppleness. However, I noticed a slight different but not on that particular hind leg.
Me being me began to worry myself silly, that he was developing arthritis and all sorts of thoughts went through my mind about retiring him and not being able to compete him as much as I have been used to.
We have a vet on work experience with us at the yard and after a chat with her about going down the Cortisone injections route and what I should do next I decided to get a second opinion from an equine sports massage therapy lady that I had never used before, nor even met before I went into typical Sian panic mode. She had been recommended to me by a good friend who I know is picky when it comes to who touches her horses, so I knew she must be good.
After a brief chat last night about whether I could get Ceaser booked in for "as soon as possible" she surprised me by saying "tomorrow?". Of course I happily and eagerly obliged, as I was keen to see what was wrong with him sooner rather than later.

For the whole day I was on tenterhooks wondering what news I was going to get once she arrived. I can honestly say the wait was nerve-wracking!
After a quick meet and greet she asked to see him in action and moving in trot. I trotted him up and down the tie up area a few times and she said it didn't seem to be arthritis but rather a muscle causing the problem as he wasn't lame, nor barely even stiff but actually quite free moving for his age! Oh! Apparently with arthritis they won't be able to track up properly, whereas Ceaser tracks up beautifully.
Once we got him back into his stable and she began to take a closer look at him she had confirmed what was thought - he was tight through his shoulder on the left side, but then on the right he was tight through the poll, shoulder and noticeably weaker. Additionally his right hamstrings are weak, which explains him being slightly short.
She got me to stand behind him and look at the difference in muscle along his back. Admittedly as you look along his back the difference in muscle tone is quite evident and I am kicking myself as to why I haven't noticed this before. She also asked if I prefer working him on one rein more than the other or if he is easier on one rein. Of course it all clicked and he is more difficult on the right rein which ties in with it all.

After exercise I have to do post exercise stretches of the forelimb and hindleg stretches so his muscles are still warm and supple. Carrot stretches need to be done to improve suppleness and a little more work on the pessoa than I already do. In fact we barely do any work on the pessoa because Ceaser is so damned difficult to lunge! It's more a case of he lunges us.... Anyway, he will have to get used to throwing his toys out the pram and just grin and bear it for now.
I must admit I do warm up and cool down on the left rein every time I ride. If I am being quite honest I do a lot more work on the left rein and I have been wondering whether this could be part of his problem. So now, I need to do my homework and ensure I do equal amounts on both reins - even if there is more monsters in the hedge when Ceaser is working on his horrible rein (yes, it's true.... when he's on the scary rein there is monsters!)
I'll let you know how we get on and whether I notice a difference! So, sorry folks - we'll still be competing against you for some time yet I hope!
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