Any rug is not cheap; often they are a huge investment and need looking after. It's not a surprise when it comes to winter and you find your heavyweight rugs still covered in mud and damp from being left throughout the summer months and visa versa with summer rugs.
This is why The Original Rug Bag was created.
What is it?
The Rug Bag is a protective cover for all of your rugs whilst hanging on a rug rail or stored in a tack room or locker. The Rug Bag can accommodate rugs of all shapes and sizes and also doubles as a travel bag.
They offer fantastic features that will not disappoint.
- Waterproof
- Lightweight/strong
- Integral Strap
- Heavy duty zip
- Reinforced Handles
- Hook/loop fastenings
- Plus, acts as a travel bag!!
The Rug Bags are a brilliant way of protecting your rugs whilst also acting as a preventitive from becoming stained with bird droppings, dirt, spiders, cobwebs, dust and more!
Unlike many products, the Rug Bag is made in Britain and created using strong, waterproof and breathable fabric which will protect up to four rugs.
2 weeks ago I was sent a message asking if Ceaser and I would mind reviewing this product seeing as we are always travelling here and there to competitions. Of course I obliged, however I am sure I need 4 to fit all of his rugs in!
I will let you know how we get on with this versatile and innovative product once I am happy the sunny weather is here to stay so I can clear my winter rugs away!
Review - part 1:
We have our riding school vet and council inspection this week and whenever this comes around I am always at a loss as to what to do with my masses of rugs I seem to hoard. They never look neat and tidy on my rug rack and I don't want to let the yard down by having it fail on this. The council states that only the "needed" rugs may appear on the rug racks and if they do so, they must appear tidy.
I do not feel so worried this time as since using my Rug Bag I have been able to tidy my rugs away and whereas before I had about 12 hanging over Ceaser's door, rug rail and wall, I have now been able to put four in the Rug Bag, enabling me to make room for more on his rail.

If you're wondering how your rugs stay fastened whilst in the Rug Bag, there is a small strap which you attach the front buckles of your rug to. This prevents the rug inside from bunching up and like a duvet, if it does, just give it a shake whilst it is in the bag and it will lay flat again.
I was hoping by now I would have been able to use the Rug Bag when out competing but in all honesty we have had reasonably good weather meaning I have only needed to take Ceaser's travel rug with me! However, I am using the Rug Bag to store his travel rug away in and keep it nice and clean. I paid a lot of money for it and hated the thought of shoving it at the bottom of my locker with all the spiders so again, the Rug Bag is ideal for this.
You see...the Rug Bag has so many uses the list is endless!
Part 2....coming soon!
In the meantime, if you're interested in this Rug Bag please visit the website by clickinghere.
Prices start at £80 for the smaller of the Rug Bags and vary up to £90 for a larger bag.
Riding Clothes in public is now a fashion trend in the world. Only Fashion Lovers can understand. Also your horse's equipment like Equestrian, Chaps should make good impact.The past month has been a busy time for me and my team with a number of competitions including in horse race.Horse Rug Racks