This is another product all of my horses absolutely love. In fact whenever I buy one I complain they don't last long because mine seem to chomp bits off and in 5 minutes they are licking the remains off the floor. Greedy bunch!
The thirteenth product I want to recommend is the traditional Likit holder and flavoured likits.
They are the easiest to use out of the whole likit products and great for those new to using likits. They are designed to combat boredom in the stable and give your horse a treat that he has to work to get.

Ceaser's favourite is the Gingerbread flavour they have recently released for Christmas, along with Candy Cane, Coconut and Cinnamon!
Priced at roughly £13 for the holder and a likit, these make excellent stocking fillers for any horse-mad child or adult.
Visit the Likit website for more details and for information on your nearest stockist.
I am also a guest blogger for the likit website so if you have time, please check it out. There's lots of tips for coping through winter with your horse!
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