A weekend for firsts and "Sit up more when you jump...sit up, sit up!" My first lesson trying side saddle.

This weekend has been fun filled and packed with trying new things.

"You can't teach an old dog new tricks" "Yes you can Sian, get on with it"

For a few months now I have been thinking that I want to progress through the higher level of Medium Dressage tests but the fact that Ceaser doesn't do flying changes holds me back from doing this. When the yard manager suggested I "give it a go" I was skeptical. Funnily enough Ceaser will always change on to the correct canter lead for me when we're show jumping. When we asked him to do it without any poles or jumps to do it over we couldn't get it, but as we introduced a small, just off the floor jump he indeed did a flying change.

We realised that when I go over a jump I am automatically shifting my position and hands without realising, thus making Ceaser change his canter lead without me giving it a second thought. I now know that I need to start and do this without the canter pole or jump and for a while will need to exaggerate my aids until he understands what I am asking. A friend of mine told me to keep a canter pole on the diagonal for the first few sessions I ask him to do the flying change and then take it away once he knows what I am wanting.

I am really looking forward to progressing this with him. I did tell someone he was too old to start and learn complicated dressage moves like flying changes but after I read a magazine article that one of the German Olympic Dressage horses was also 17 when he started to learn moves like flying changes and Piaffe I have been given hope!

My problem is though when I try something new I am the type of person that wants to perfect it and get it right. So, I am sure my next few weeks will be spent in the menage getting the hang of flying changes.

"Sit up, sit up!"

I've always wanted to give Side Saddle a try but have never had the opportunity to, so when a lovely livery, TeeJay at the yard asked me if I wanted to put her Side Saddle on Ceaser and have a go I jumped at the chance.

At the beginning he didn't take well to the change. One of the straps was slightly flapping between his legs and he absolutely hated it. He was however doing a lovely example of Piaffe that I wish I could get him to do in different circumstances whilst objecting! I really didn't think at this point that we would be able to carry on but after we realised what was causing him to panic we were able to calm him down and sort it.

Eventually after a quick lunging session he calmed down and I was able to get on. Everything felt different, I felt like I was using muscles I hadn't used in a long time! It was a weird feeling not having my right leg to help me keep balanced, nor stop Ceaser from falling in. I don't often practice my sitting trot out of my dressage saddle neither so I found it a challenge to do sitting trot in a saddle without huge knee blocks to help me as Ceaser is very bouncy!

Lovely canter!
After the lunging session, Ceaser took to the different way of riding and not riding astride like a duck to water as they say. He was fantastic and very patient with me for the first few minutes whilst I got my head in to gear and used to riding differently. Once I got comfortable and felt like I was balanced I began to enjoy it. Walking and trotting is obviously relatively simple and I didn't find those gaits too different.

Out of all of the different gaits I think I found Canter to be the most difficult; it was hard getting the hang of not have an outside leg to place behind the girth and in stead getting used to the idea of a simple shift in body weight told Ceaser what I wanted of him and what to do. Again though, once I had the canter I felt comfortable and when TeeJay asked me whether I would like to pop a jump I decided to go for it. She told me to ensure I didn't fold and in stead leaned slightly more back than normal but still went with Ceaser to allow him to have his head and then sit up straight away.Ceaser was as honest as he will ever be and really looked after me. He took the jump steady and we simply sailed over with absolutely no problems.

Overall I thoroughly enjoyed riding Side Saddle and cannot wait to give it another go. As I said above, when I give something a go and enjoy it I then strive to get better at it. I have wanted to give riding Side Saddle a go for that long that now I have done it I want another ago. TeeJay told me I would find it addictive and sure as hell I have. The last two Christmases I have got my show saddle and dressage saddle from my Dad and Grandma as a present so I am already pestering Dad that for this Christmas and Birthday present I want a Side Saddle and habit. It is indeed something I really want to give another go and would love to have a go in a competition.

"Bow, bow"

Thank you :)
To top of a fantastic weekend, TeeJay allowed me to have a go on her Spanish horse, Ren. I wish that Ceaser was trained to do at least half of the tricks that Ren is trained to do, he is so well behaved. After having a lovely walk and trot, Ren kindly showed me his latest party piece; to bow with a rider on board. 

Do you prefer riding astride or Side Saddle? Let me know by commenting below or tweeting me @FurryMane

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