25 things I wish I'd told my teenage self....

Inspired by another post I saw on the internet, I thought I'd write this - it makes a change from the usual posts!

25 things I wish I'd told my teenage self

1) That extra slice of pizza is fine. Just eat it. No one really cares.

2) Say I love you and tell people you like them, even if they don't say it back. You just never know in life. Risks are the best things you can take. 

3) The "Bff's for lyf" you thought would always be there....wont. People move on. Some friends you keep in touch with, some you don't - that's life. 

4) That boy that broke your heart for the first time in school will come running back and want to know how you're doing. He might even want to take you for a drink. There will be plenty more boys along the way that break your heart; unfortunately that's life. 

5) Stand up for yourself. Don't let others talk down to you and undermine your opinions; they count and are worth sharing. 

6) Don't go to sleep in the middle of an argument. You might not get a chance to say sorry. Stay up until it's sorted, then hug and make up. Life is too short. 

7) Kiss that boy. You won't regret it and even better he'll turn out to be a pretty amazing kisser. 

8) Quit that boring job you hate. In 5 years time you won't even remember you worked there. 

9) Don't try and be like your friend; the one with the perfect hair, the perfect body, the perfect boyfriend - she probably looks at you and thinks the same. 

10) Go out every night in freshers week at uni. You won't regret it and in 6 years time when you're sat reminiscing with your best friend, you'll have nothing but great memories to talk about. 

11) Skip the uni lecture that your lecturer has said you "must attend". You're hungover, he's lying...it's fine, stay in bed. 

12) No matter how crazy things seem, always trust your instincts and be true to them. They'll never betray you.

13) Keep that ambition you've had since you were a kid wanting to be a pilot, princess or mermaid. You can achieve exactly what you want to if you put your heart and soul in to it. 

14) The awkward conversations with friends about periods and
contraception will soon turn to "I've just been for the implant, it f***ing hurts"- it's all natural, get over it.

15) Save money but at the same time spend it. Life is too short not to do exactly what we want to. 

16) Go to the party on a work night. One day you'll regret not going if you don't. 

17) Push yourself out of your comfort zone. It's how we develop and learn. 

18) Never loose sight of what you want from life. It may not come when you want it to, but one day you'll get it. 

19) Those life plans you made at 16, hoping to achieve by 20 just won't happen. Get over it, there's bigger things to worry about. 

20) Life is stressful. That's just the way it is. Sorry. 

21) Treat others how you want them to treat you. Even if it means smiling, putting on your happy face and thinking "f*** you" as you ask them how their evening was. 

22) Family aren't always there when you need them. You'll realise that. 

23) Those family pets you thought would be around forever, won't be.
Hug them tighter than you need to, take time out to walk them. One day they won't be there and you'll regret the moments you didn't spend with them.

24) Laugh too much, love too much, live everyday as if its your last. Because it might well be.

25) Don't have regrets. Take chances, jump on that plane and fly where you want. Spend far too much on a horse that you've never seen. Don't regret anything for a second. Every decision we make in life, every path we take... it all makes us the person we are today. 


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