2014 was somewhat of a whirlwind for me. So much happened and it was described as one of my most successful years by a friend. Quite honestly, Ceaser and I achieved things that I never imagined we would. We also met some fantastic ladies at camp early on in the year that we've became good friends with. Additional to this I found out I was graduating with an MA in Sports Journalism, started blogging for the fabulous Carr, Day & Martin and have a job in Marketing I thoroughly enjoy. In all honesty, 2014 couldn't have been any better, but how do you top something as good as that?
On exactly this date last year (I promise I didn't plan this, but it just so happens it's a year today!) I set myself some resolutions for 2014. Lets see if I achieved them, here they are:

- Get selected for BYRDS or Senior teams.
- Hack at least once a week. Ceaser enjoys it. Just because I don't, I shouldn't not do it.
- Have a lesson at least twice monthly with both Amy and Tracey.
- Move up to affiliated Elementary.
- Get enough BD points to take me out of Prelims.
- Qualify for the Summer regionals (I'm half way there!).
- Compete at the Sheepgate Under 25's.
- Update my blog more and just because I have a job, don't let it be a second priority.
I've put all the ones I achieved in green. So there you have it, every goal I set, I achieved. In all honesty I didn't visit that list after February, I just forgot about it and set about achieving things I had in mind.
I'm going to set my 2015 goals and I want to share them with you.
I have high hopes for 2015 and maybe because of last year I'm setting the bar too high, but here's to trying!
- Qualify Ceaser for the PetPlan Area Festival at Novice level
- Get selected for Senior Home International and Inter-Regionals
- Continue to dabble into Elementary affiliated
- Give our first Medium test a go
- Qualify for the Novice Freestyle to Music Regionals
- Get in H&H again with Ceaser
- Achieve over 70% in any Novice test with Ceaser again
- Compete Ziggy at Prelim level
- Compete in an ODE with Ziggy (Oh goodness!)
- Continue to have 3 happy, healthy horses.
You can share your goals and resolutions with me by tweeting me @SLEquineJourno or contacting me on my new Facebook page: Sian Lovatt Dressage and Journalism
Here's to 2015, may all my readers have a happy and healthy year where dreams come true!
After following for a while, finally need to comment. You have such great goals and Ceaser is a wonderful horse, will definitely continue to follow your progress :)