All About That Pace - Ceaser's debut Song!

The Hundleby Equestrian Centre Pony Clubbers were all singing a song on their annual presentation evening, so Mark and I decided to do something too.....and this song was born! 

It's taken weeks, if not months of planning, organising, film shooting, song writing; everything! I was a little apprehensive of whether we would be able to pull it off, but finally - it's done and we aired it last night to the children in a surprise presentation!

In case you're wondering, Ceaser is a 14.2h Dressage pony, and we're always told if he was just a hand bigger he'd be perfect. In our eyes he is perfect and we don't let his size cause any problems when dressaging! He can still do all the required moves for a medium test!

However, it was intended as no more as a bit of Christmas fun. 

Special thanks go to:
- Guy Garrett - vocals and Music
-Mark Ferguson - Video Editing
- Sian 

Of course, not forgetting the gorgeous Ceaser Pony, who this song describes down to a tee! 

So guys, thank you for watching and go ahead and share....BECAUSE YOU KNOW IT'S ALL ABOUT THAT PACE! 

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