After trialling just doing one test at the Area Festival we realised this worked much better than doing two tests. By doing just one I could warm up properly for 40 minutes and I wasn't faced with a then grumpy pony who before the second test thought he should be finished.
Warming up went well for the music class. It was the first time in about 3 months I was going to ride to my music, let alone the test - so I was a little apprehensive about things, but a nice positive warm up set us in good steed.
To start I walked for 15 minutes, ensuring to stretch and flex on both reins, to both the left and right. Towards the end of the walk whilst still on a loose rein I asked for some small leg-yield and half pass steps to gently encourage the hind legs to come underneath and start working properly.

We had also been working on the dropping of the poll during the canter transitions which is often our biggest mark looser, so whilst warming up I do some work in sitting trot, then rising, then sitting and so on, eventually leading up to the sitting trot and then canter transitions immediately. I don't know but this works and it's really helped with the loss of balance and contact through the trot to canter transition. My instructor thinks Ceaser may get a little 'upset' when I put my leg on to ask for canter when not warmed up enough, but whatever his reason, this new way of working seems to work perfectly and the tantrums when first asking for canter have completely gone.
So, in the trot I do lots of shoulder-in along the long sides, gently encouraging the hind legs to come underneath a little more. When I get the feeling I've got it, change from shoulder-in down the long side, to leg yield across the diagonal and so on, thus giving him some variation in what we're doing and keeping his mind active.
One I've got this we then ask for canter, but more like a medium than working. My new instructor also thinks I don't push on enough in the canter and every canter is more of a collected than anything, so lots of work lately to push open the frame, encouraging his knees to come up. Once I've got this the medium canter looks and feels much better and like he's taking me somewhere.
After this I gave him a five minutes rest and then picked him back up, this time slowing everything down and encouraging him to open his frame a little more and stretch into the contact rather than hollow into it. The plan with only doing one test is to keep him warming up right until it is time to go into my test as when I allow him a few minutes to walk it takes another few minutes to pick him back up.
The test started well, however I wasn't given chance to put my hand up properly for my music to start, so the beginning was a little rushed, but we managed to catch up and slow down again. Everything seemed to go well and I was pleased with the effort compared to the few previous tests we've done. Ceaser really seems to perk up when it comes to the music classes and both of us appear to enjoy them far more than anything else.
Not so long ago things were getting difficult with Ceaser and he was becoming more and more reluctant to go forwards. After extensive chats with my vets and back lady we couldn't find anything on the outside wrong and we weren't overly worried about anything on the inside being wrong. So it was suggested I spend more time hacking and jumping to see if he was simply bored, as he would behave when we went elsewhere for a lesson, but not at home. Now his routine has completely changed; we hack at least twice a week, jump twice a week and school as and when I get time. I have a lesson elsewhere once a week, so if that's our only schooling session then so be it. I've finally got my happy-go-lucky pony back that is enjoying work much more. But more on that another time, just please make sure you vary your ponies work - it's so important to keep their mind stimulated and stops them getting bored and stuffy, just like Ceaser was beginning to.
To conclude, I couldn't have been more pleased. One test and one red rosette with a decent score to accompany it. Overall a fabulous day out which left beaming!
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