For the last couple of weeks Ceaser and I have been having the battle of going forward. If he's hacking he's fantastic. If he's jumping he's flying, but I really get the impression he's had enough of schooling and I tried to find new ways to get him interested again. Lots of pole and lateral work seemed to do the trick however I was debating whether or not to withdraw as surely we couldn't have a good day after a few bad could we?
My fantastic back lady popped in on her way home to check he was feeling fine and gave me the 'pep-talk' I needed to get my bum into gear and admit I was going the next day, despite feeling rather sorry for myself!

I was very impressed with the venue once we arrived. Immediately we were shown to our parking space, asked if we had enough room either side and whether we needed any help. I have to say, the whole experience was fantastic - but more on that later.
Once we had gotten parked I went off to check where the arenas were and fill in my competition record sheet which would be read out as I entered the arena. As I was given my Area Festival plaque I was handed a pack of polos "for the pony". It definitely is the little touches that make an experience all the more brilliant.
When I got back to the lorry it was time for the massage pad to go on Ceaser and for me to get changed. Stupid me realised I hadn't charged the massage pad up - whoops! But thankfully lorry next door had a spare equilibrium battery so saved the day and Ceaser got his 30 minute warm up before it was time to get on!
Once tacked up and ready I did all the stretches to Ceasers legs and back that Amy my instructor and Amy my back lady (yes, confusing!) had recommended doing to help him warm up. Then it was time to get on!
Ceaser felt nice and forward which was a bonus. We spent lots of time walking and trotting on a long rein, just nice and long and low. I also took this chance to do lots of flexing left and right whilst asking for a bit of lateral work to get him stepping underneath more. He felt great and was working off my leg nicely. When it was time to canter I allowed him to stay on a longish rein, whilst adding some counter canter and then adding some short transitions in to trot-canter-trot. After about 35 minutes it was time to take our boots off, head indoors and pick him up for the second part of the warm up.

All too soon it was my turn to go and after a quick "I feel sick, I can't remember my test, where do I go after I've been down the centre line?" Mark almost shoved us in the ring and it was down to us! Lots of horses had been caught out by the indoor arena as they had dressed it up a little, however he isn't generally spooky when away from home so I had this on my side! He trotted in and past the judges tables fine and when the bell rang did a lovely centre line to start on a 7, which was promising!

I remember thinking half way through my test "for goodness sake smile". I find it all too easy to go through the whole test with my head in a blur, but I wanted to enjoy it and make a point of telling myself to smile and ensure I smiled at the judges every time I went past.

Top 10 were required for a formal prize giving. I wasn't counting on a placing, but Mark ran off to see "just incase", whilst I untacked Ceaser and gave him some fuss - he sure as hell deserved it. Really could not believe it when Mark came running back saying I was 6th and needed for the prize giving in 5 minutes! Oh my life. Proud, emotional... they were just half of what I was feeling. My little wonder pony really doesn't fail to amaze me every time. The photographer got some lovely photos, which I can't help but share!
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