Neigh Nomination #

A couple of weeks ago a simple hashtag took over the Equestrian world. That hashtag is Neigh Nomination. A chance for all Facebook users who are involved within the equestrian world one way or another to post about their horse(s) of a lifetime. But why keep it to Facebook? I thought I would share mine on here!

Sara: The pony that I grew up with, shared all my childhood secrets with and the pony that allowed me to create memories with my Granddad I will never forget. The Pony who taught me to sit to a buck because she simply loved to use two feet instead of four! Sara taught me if you don't have enough leg on before a fence don't expect the pony to go over. I have two broken arm x-rays in my hospital records to prove that. She gave me my first experience of a hospital stay after breaking my arm so badly I had to have it pulled straight. She taught me to ride for my life and if I did she'd be right there with me. The pony that was given to me as a present and showed me to way into the competition circuit. We won every Handy Pony class we entered, we won almost every Workers class we entered and she took me right up to County Level.

 The pony that frustrated me many of times as a child because she wasn't the cuddly type - in fact she was a moody mare that liked to do her own thing. The only pony I have ever jumped 3ft 6 on - and probably the only equine I will ever do it on because she I trust her with my life. The pony that gave me my love for Gymkhana games - she would get so wound up at the starting line she'd start behind everyone else because she was too busy bucking, but she soon caught up and we went on to win various trophies in games classes. The pony that threw me off a total of 5 times at my first ever show, but soon gave me confidence to believe she could jump the moon. The pony that took me to my first hunt - and bucked her way around - the Pony that would stop in the middle of EVERY dressage test to go to the toilet. The pony that took me to my first Cross-Country event. Sara is the pony that taught me if you sit on your bum and ride forward there is no stopping you but most importantly she has always been my best friend through school.

 Ceaser: The pony that came to me a spindly, gangly 3-year-old having been rescued with a whole bunch of other horses. The pony that would barge, drag and stand on my tiny toes more times than anyone could count. The pony that was described by vets at age 10 as having "serious behavioural issues" and the Pony that would simply stand on his two hind legs, with his front legs over the stable door just so he could see out. The Pony that when I got my confidence back enough to ride him showed me deep down and underneath all the hair there was something special. The pony that taught me to sit an even bigger buck, this time with a rear thrown in after it and showed me all over again, if you don't have enough leg into a fence you simply aren't going over it and that's a fact! The Pony that soon taught me patience is virtue and if you have enough time to preserver then it all becomes worth it. The Pony that gave me my first success in a dressage test. The Pony that has the heart of a lion and proves that no two days of owning a pony are the same.

Ceaser is the once-in-a-lifetime Pony that has taken me right from unaffiliated prelim level Dressage to affiliated Elementary - and we aren't stopping there. The Pony that when he jumps it feels like you're capable of flying and that moment could last forever. The Pony that loves to have a camera in his face, just so he can do the whole 'nod his head, blink his eyes and prick his ears forward' so the photographer catches him. The Pony that gave me my first ever experience of galloping under a spotlight after coming 3rd in a huge Veteran championship class. The Pony that tries his hardest every time we enter that arena at A, and then tries some more. Ceaser gave me my first ever ride at an Area Festival but is also the Pony that taught me to sit deep, ride forward and react quick if he bucks, rears or decides something is spooky. Without a doubt I owe it to him for my sticky bum and quick reflexes when it comes to riding naughty little ponies. He never fails to please and is simply the Pony that every kid needs.

Dougie: The Pony that gave me my first ever experience of riding a Dressage Pony. The Pony that taught me what it's like to ride something that worked in a natural outline and had the heart of gold. The Pony that was purchased to build my confidence up after some horrible falls and the one that got me back jumping and enjoying it. The Pony that got me told off for over-taking the hunt master at a local hunt - despite having no choice! The Pony that gave kisses upon command and loved his owner to the moon and back. The Pony that taught me to see a stride, but also the Pony that hated sharing his food so put me in hospital with a rather large hoof print on my head! The Pony that knew if you were a confident rider or not and depending which one his attitude and mood would change. The Pony that was difficult for everyone else but easy for me.

Dougie was the Pony that taught me no matter how hard and long you held onto the lead rope for, he'd still always run off and he didn't mind if you were skiing behind him. Dougie was the Pony that we fought so hard to save but sadly broke my heart when I had to have him put to sleep in March 2013. The first Pony I had to make the awful decision with and the first Pony to make me be aware of what responsibilities come with being an adult. The Pony that I owe all my confidence to - the Pony that should still be here.

Do your #NeighNomination now :)


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