Post a day..

I have to use Wordpress for work and as I was clicking along some posts I stumbled upon their "Postaday" topic which is basically what it says on the tin. A post, a day, on various topics. Looking back it usually is asking you to reflect somehow or answer a question and it got me thinking. Despite this being a very equine-heavy blog, I would like to do something similar. My life is based very heavily around equines, so I'm sure it'll tie back to them somehow. Enjoy.

Todays topic is:

 “And they lived happily ever after.” Think about this line for

a few minutes. Are you living happily ever after? If not, what

will it take for you to get there?"

My happily ever after would be living on the farm full time, with large living room patio doors overlooking Ceaser and Sara's field, allowing them access to my garden to come up to the doors if they wanted. A gate would be there that could be opened and closed depending if Mark and I were around so they could be watched at all times. Mark would tut and moan that they had gone to the toilet on the garden (again) but secretly not mind because there would be nothing better than being met by a friendly whicker in the mornings. I'd freelance for a living and would have enough work to tide me over so Mark and I could live comfortably each month and he is able to continue in the job that he loves doing. I would spend my mornings mucking out, riding my dressage horse, teaching and doing all the things that I love. I wouldn't be the worlds best dressage rider, but I'd be competent enough that people often asked me to ride for them, earning me extra money where needed. I would compete when I wanted and achieve my goal of getting to wear a top hat and tails. My riding school would be successful and bursting with clients after school. The laughter from the arena would fill the yard and it would be a fun place to be. Afternoons would be spent with a glass of apple juice and Banana Cake whilst sat in front of the computer writing children's books or freelancing for various publications.  My books would be popular enough to make me enough money to continue doing this on a daily basis and I would be busy enough to keep me from going insane. I would never be bored and I would never say "today is a bad day." My computer would sit beside photos of my Granddad and I so that whenever I needed inspiration I could simply look up, remember the precious times we shared and I would instantly know what to write. I'd have two dogs; Spoodles. One brown one called Marmaduke that is cheeky and spends nights curled up on my pillow despite Mark protesting he really shouldn't be on there and a black one that would forever be pulled around by Marmaduke. They would sit by my feet as I spent the long afternoons writing words and sentences that inspires others and gives them great enjoyment. Evenings would be spent tucking my horses into their bed and going to sleep content in the knowledge that I followed my dream and made all of the above reality. 

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1 comment:

  1. These are great thoughts to the topic!
    I really like the text - one can see that you really like writing ;)
