Ride Smart - always wear a helmet!

Riders4helmets is a campaign that started back in 2010 in order to encourage riders to wear a hat when riding their horses.

Since then the campaign has gone from strength to strength, with more riders joining in than ever to help boost the campaigns awareness.

The campaign offers a chance for riders of all ages to become further educated about the importance of wearing a hat when riding.

This year, International Helmet Awareness day is happening on June 22 and all over the world tack stores are offering discounted hats to encourage more riders to buy one.

It is estimated that over 300,000 sports related injuries are to the brain and sadly some are fatal.

For further information on the Riders4Helmets campaign visit their website: http://www.riders4helmets.com

I will definitely be wearing a hat - not only tomorrow but everyday.

Will you be wearing yours? It could save your life.


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