Congratulations to Sian Lovatt Equestrian and Journalism - Liebster award.

There is something lovely going around the blogging world right now and I am privileged to be able to tell you about it. In a nut shell they are awarded to blogs with less than 200 followers and the word originates from the German meaning, "Beloved and valued". I was very kindly awarded this title by the lovely Marie who never fails to amaze me with her blog: Ride with no eyes. 

According to Marie, in order to accept this award I must follow the following rules:

1. Name the person who nominated you and link back to their blog
2. List 11 random facts about yourself.
3. Answer the 11 questions given to you.
4. Create 11 questions for the bloggers you nominate.
5. Choose 11 bloggers with 200 or fewer followers to nominate and include links to their blogs.
6. Go to each bloggers page and let them know you have nominated them. 

11 random facts about me:

1. When I was younger I originally wanted to be a German interpreter. However, unfortunately when we moved to Skegness when I was 14, no local school offered German so I had to go with my second career choice - Journalism.
2. Until the age of 14 I was bullied quite heavily at school; because I had horses. I was called a horse ******, amongst other things. Since then the bullies have tried to add me on facebook etc and be friends. No chance, they made my life hell, but I am a stronger person for it. You know who you are.
3. I'm quite a sensitive person and cry at the most stupid of things. Mainly when reading books or watching films.
4. My Granddad was and always will be my best friend. He died when I was 14 and on that very day I lost the most important man in my life.
5. Everything I do in life is in an attempt to make my Granddad proud. He said I'd go to university and one day be famous. I aim to fulfil his dreams for me. One box ticked, one to go. So get sharing my blog.
6.  I love reading and can read anything from 5-7 books in one week when I have the time to.
7. From the moment I started school I hated it and vowed I would never go back into education after I left school at 16. Each year my Granddad and I would make a calendar so I could cross off the school days left until holiday time. Anyway, here I am 6 years after turning 16 and still in education. How things change!
8. Not such a random fact, but my horses are my life. I live and breath for them. Without them, I wouldn't be half the person I am today.
9. My middle name is hyphenated. Sara-Jayne.
10. I got my Pony, Sara when I was 7 and decided it'd be cool to name her after my middle name. Things kids do....
11. When I got Ceaser we didn't know his birth date. His old owner asked me when I wanted his birthday to be. Of course, I chose my birthday; 14th January.

11 Questions for me.

1. Where do you want to travel to most in the world? South-Africa again, Malta, America and Canada.
2. You are stuck on a desert Island, you can only take 3 objects or beings with you, what or who do you choose? My mobile, Ceaser and Sara.
3. What is your favourite cuisine? Italian.
4. What is your favourite domestic and wild animal and why? Domestic: Dog - I wouldn't be without my dog, Sweep. Wild: Horse - obvious.
5. What quality do you most value in yourself or others? I think in myself I most value the fact that I am always here to listen and help people with their problems. If someone needs a shoulder to cry on, I am here.
6. What is your earliest childhood memory? Going to a theme park in Belgium with my Mum, Dad and Sister. In fact that is the last memory I have of my parents as a "family".
7. Chicken or the egg? Egg.
8. Does charity begin at home? Yes, it does.
9. What is your favourite period in history? First World War.
10. Who inspires you? My Granddad and Clare Balding. They were an easy answer.
11. What is your big dream right now? To become a successful Journalist and be happy in life.

11 Question for my nominees

1. What inspired you to start your blog?
2. If you could be anywhere in the world right now, where would you be and why?
3. Who would you like to have dinner with. Apart from anyone in your family and why?
4. Who in your family do you look up to the most? Dead or alive.
5. When you were growing up, what did you want to be and did you achieve this?
6. Conservative or Labour or Ukip?
7. Worst childhood memory?
8. Mc Donalds or Burger King?
9. Favourite book and why?
10. First child's name? If not born, what will your first child's name be?
11. Your inspiration to succeed?

My nominees

1. Mark. The boy that puts up with my moods, expensive hobby, Ceaser and never complains. Mark Ferguson Music. 

2. Marie. She is a total inspiration to every horse-rider out there that thinks they can't do it but deep down knows they can. Ride with no eyes.

3. Ellie. Such a kind-hearted lady. Ellies Treasures. 

4. Irene. Another inspiration and another who defeats Doctors warnings by continuing to ride with ME. Borrowing Freedom. 

5. Laura. A fantastic equine blogger. The Horse Talker.

6. Laura. Love reading her blog. Theatregrad.

7. Johanna. Former event rider, now learning to cope with disabilities. Dream Believe Achieve. 

8. Unusual Name Girl ;) (wont post real name incase I'm not supposed to!) Outsider looking out. 

9. Elspeth. Beauty blogger. I'm not into fashion but this blog is really worth a read. Bee's Knees.

10. Cavalcade. One day my blog will be this successful. 

11. Jordan. Loved to read her blogs when she kept them up to date. Head in the clouds. 

I hope you enjoy these blogs, please let me know what you think!



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