Three UK sent a number of equine journalists and bloggers lots of goodies earlier this week to let them know a bout new ad campaign that was set to be released on 1st March. None of us had any idea what was going to be revealed, all we knew was a "plucky pony" wanted to show us what he can do!
And boy didn't he do that.....?
I wonder how many young girls are badgering their daddies for a dancing pony now? Really though, who could blame them?
The advert was filmed entirely in the Shetlands and starred a real pony named, Socks. Socks dances to the beat of Fleetwood Mac's 'Everywhere' and lucky for him, is a real cutie!
Three UK's new advert campaign is set to build on Three's appreciation for the country's love of sharing, particularly when it comes to cute animal pictures.
The 17-day campaign launched tonight during Coronation Street and features a combination of 60 and 30 second versions.

To encourage the general public to get involved and inspire the act of sharing even further, a web-based app hosted by YouTube, ponymixer.com has been created which encourages people to join the fun and create their own customised dancing Socks.
If you loved what this plucky pony, Socks can do, then why not go and create your own.
With a scrape of a hoof and a flick of his Rod Stewart-esqu mane, Socks broke into an effortless moonwalk across a picturesque Scottish field and the whole of the country immediately undoubtedly fell in love with him.
Surely this is the first pony that can #DancePonyDance ?
If you missed the advert view it here: http://youtu.be/Ekr05T9Iaio .
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