Is equestrianism all doom and gloom at the moment - Guest post.

As you all know I am a guest blogger for the new website, Pony Chit Chat. Here is the latest article I have created for them. Can you guess what it's about?

With all the doom and gloom news within the equestrian community lately we thought you could all do with a little bit of something to look forward to and a positive outlook on equestrianism as change. 

Those that have been keeping up with social media within the equestrian news will know that this week is ESMA week, and don’t we know it!

The Equestrian Social Media Awards (ESMA) are innovative for getting the equestrian community together to promote the big sport and lifestyle we all love socially. 

Being nominated in the first place is a fantastic achievement, but to then be a top 10 finalist - its nail biting stuff!

To read the rest of the article click this link.


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