A little bit of encouragement goes a long way..

Stupidly I had an idea in 2012 that I thought would be clever and make some good reading for all of you that follow my blog.

I decided over the next few months I am going to participate in events or situations that I wouldn't usually find nor put myself in and then write about it.

For example, towards the end of 2012 I made the short journey to our local Polo Club and had the most brilliant day learning how to play Polo and what it is all about. This didn't take me too much out of my comfort zone and I found myself wanting to play more and go much faster than we had been allowed.

A few weeks before that I arranged to have a side-saddle lesson on Ceaser; something neither of us have ever tried before. What an experience that was! I thoroughly enjoyed myself and we both took to riding sideways like ducks to water. After a few canters round the arena I found we were flying over a jump sideways - something I loved!

However, both of these have been pretty calm and whilst I've tried new things I don't feel they have taken me out of my comfort zone. So...being the enthusiastic writer and rider I am I have decided to set myself a few challenges for 2013 and share them all with you.

I like to think of what I'm embarking on is slightly more than giving you something to read, but more of a bucket list. Life is so short and I am fed up of walking along at snail pace and letting life go - I wan't to make the most of what I have and take advantage of offers and how lucky I am to be involved in such a fantastic sport.

How did all this begin?

At the age of 14 I had a rather bad riding accident when show-jump practicing in our yards field and have since been absolutely petrified of spreads. I'll jump them but I'll shut my eyes before we take off (Jacky did look rather shocked when I said this!) It all started when I was practicing for a local Working-Hunter qualifier on my 12.2hh pony, Sara. Being a jumping pony she flies into jumps like there is no tomorrow and you quite literally have to sit there and hope for the best. However, I must have not hoped for the best that day as coming into a spread she threw the brakes on, chucked me over the jump then decided it wasn't scary after all as "Mummy had done it fine" and she then jumped it after me. This resulted in both of her knees hitting me in the face and that is all I remember of that! The next bit I recall is a friend running up to me screaming and me getting up sobbing rather loudly that my arm "felt funny".

Lots of x-rays later I was sent home from A&E with my arm in a cast, two black eyes, a split lip and a mother that wasn't impressed as I always seem to undergo injuries in my dads care and not hers! (probably because she doesn't believe in anything dangerous like horse-riding whereas my Dads moto is "get on and do it"). 6 weeks later I had the cast off, decided to try the same jump the following day and ended up back in hospital after Sara threw the brakes on again and off I flew! This time the wrist was sprained and I was out of action for another 3 weeks. Since then I reverted from a jumper to a dressage rider and have never looked back.

I still enjoy show jumping and have jumped on my universities equestrian team, taken Ceaser to a local ODE, won some show jumping events and found myself wanting to get back in to show jumping but I have never found myself enjoying it as much as I used to.

So...here is my slightly insane and crazy bucket list. Please bear in mind that although it may not seem a lot to you, I am a dressage rider. I like to keep all four of the ponies feet on the ground apart from when we are partaking in a flying change.

Anyway, without putting it off any longer:
- Participate in a ODE on a horse that isn't my own in a decent sized class - height wise
- Exercise a racehorse - no, not one of my own...but exercise a racehorse on the gallops
- Partake in an Amateur riders race
- Play Polo again - but this time at a lot more speed!
- Ride Ceaser on the gallops
- Complete a show jumping competition of at least a meter on a horse that isn't my own.
- Ride a famous dressage horse (Can someone put me in contact with Charlotte or Carl please????)
- Overcome my fear of spreads
And the list is ever growing.... So watch this space.

This is where the lovely Jacky Beaven comes in. Jacky and I met through my lovely sponsor, Charles James. She saw my rather brave and apprehensive post on our sponsors facebook page about trying new things and offered me a ride on her lovely 15.2h Dutch Warmblood, known as Coco.

Coco and Jacky have built an amazing partnership together after a few years back Jacky decided she wanted to get back into Eventing and purchased Coco as a 3 year old. Since then they have competed in Intermediate events, Novices, 1 stars, the Lycetts young horse event and are now aiming for 2 star event.

After clicking on to Jacky's facebook page and seeing photos of Coco flying over jumps I wouldn't even go near, I quickly accepted Jacky's invitation and this weekend found myself travelling the 90 minute journey to meet her lovely steeds!

When I arrived I was introduced to the lovely Coco who has the most adorable and kind face and Madge, a chestnut mare that reminded me so much of Sara.

Jacky said that Coco had been out of work for a few weeks as she was having some time off after the hectic season eventing so we wouldn't be able to do much but I could hop on, do some schooling and get the feel for her.

I must say, I loved her, but honestly - who couldn't. After a few initial disagreements when I first got on and Coco almost asking me what the hell I was doing up there, she was on her holidays, she worked lovely. Her trot is quite literally to die for and she has an amazing extension on her that I am sure would rack up the points if she was a dressage horse! I have also always found that horses tend to have a canter I don't like - probably because I am used to much shorter pony strides. However, Coco's is completely different and very much a nice and steady collected canter. She will go forward if you ask her and comes back immediately when you say "hang on".

If I had gone to look at this young horse to buy I would have said yes there and then - she is exactly what I imagine my next horse to be like and is the perfect size.

I thoroughly enjoyed riding her and cannot wait to have a little pop over some jumps - if Jacky still lets me!

Next up was Madge. I asked Jacky if I could stay to watch her ride this young chestnut mare as she looked like she had some potential. Jacky explained she had very low mileage on the clock but would make someone a fantastic riding club pony as she really is a great all rounder. After watching, Jacky asked if I would like to get on and of course I happily obliged.

Of course, before I knew it we were flying over jumps at speed I don't think I've been at for quite some time! This young horse is definitely one to watch for the future; she has scope to go far with a young rider I think.

I didn't tell Jacky but that was the first time I had jumped in 2 months. I find myself now not wanting nor enjoying to jump as I love schooling too much. I am a real perfectionist and spend the majority of my time getting Ceaser's dressage right. However, being given the opportunity to ride two fantastic eventers is something I loved and jumping Madge gave me the jumping bug back.

Something Jacky said or did to me on Saturday definitely worked though as on Sunday I scrapped Ceaser's schooling and in stead we had some fun jumping. He was on fire, had no knock downs or refusals but jumped everything first time. Before long we were up to hole 11 on the wings and he was flying over spreads - with me aboard!

So, maybe without realising I have started to work on my list. I am rather excited to say the least about what situations I am going to find myself in. An email this morning has confirmed that the "compete in an amateur riders race" bullet point may be closer to being crossed off than I initially thought!

Huge thank you's and carrots go to very kind Jacky and adorable Coco and Madge for a very enjoyable  day with them all. To follow Jacky and Coco's journey together click here.


  1. Ok we can sort the 'Excercise a racehorse' bit! My Aunty Bev! :)We need to organise our holiday soon! xxxx

  2. Good luck with all your challenges this year Sian x
