I first met Jane in April 2012 through Facebook by a chance meeting. Through a few exchanges of messages Jane told me of the work she does with animals and how it can benefit both horses and owners.
She is a Reiki Master / Practitioner for animals and humans, Horse Listener and Animal Communicator / Practitioner, Practitioner in EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) / Practitioner and Teacher of Reiki Healing and Animal Communication.

When I told Jane about Ceaser's 'problems' loading in to a horse lorry, she promised me she would try to help and see what she could do.
Upon meeting Jane in person I was nervous of how she would help. However, my fears were soon put aside when Jane kindly offered her hand for Ceaser to sniff and he immediately began licking her! He clearly trusted her straight away!
Jane told me things about Ceaser that I had questioned and previously wondered. She confirmed he was rescued as a youngster from a small lorry containing too many horses for the space and had been shipped from Ireland. We had a feeling this had been the case and was relieved to find out the rest of the story, which helped us piece everything together that we knew.

Jane confirmed Ceaser disliked small spaces due to being shut in the lorry when coming over from Ireland and it being cramped with too many ponies. She explained that he sometimes ran out of his stable for a sudden need to be "free" and not cramped in.
Due to the constant problems we had with loading Ceaser and it making me nervous every time I had to load him, she communicated with him and did some tapping therapy with me to eliminate my nerves.
At the beginning I was hesitant as to whether it would work and a little skeptical. However, within 10 minutes we had Ceaser loading first time and have since have had absolutely no problems when it comes to traveling. In fact I let her know every time we go competing now as he has been happily loading ever since she first saw him - a miracle!

Jane now visits Frosty roughly every 2 weeks and focuses her energies into equine and animal healing with him. He has come on leaps and bounds since he first met Jane and the change in him is absolutely fantastic.
I have noticed a huge difference in both Ceaser and Frosty and would recommend Jane to anyone who has any underlying problems with their horses that isn't exactly something a vet needs to take a look at.
Jane also told me Ceaser was a little uncomfortable in one hind leg and when I got a Bowen Therapist to look at him she confirmed he was a little tense in that leg and sorted it all out for him.
She is one of the kindest people you will ever meet and her love for all animals is evident in the way she treats each one. It is not often you meet someone so dedicated to helping animals that need it and all too often we see many equines misunderstood for their underlying problems. Jane does not judge and doesn't believe in writing horses off simply because they have a problem, but will look towards the future in helping them overcome whatever may be bothering them.
For anyone interested in equine holistic therapy, I urge you to take a look at Jane's website and get in touch: http://www.equine-humanholistictherapy.co.uk/index.htm
I enjoyed reading this blog. Jane has also worked with both of my horses and has been able to shed light on, and confirm my suspicions of, several behavioural issues they were having. Having the insight as to why they behaved the way they did in certain circumstances made it much easier to deal with their issues in a more understanding and patient way rather than getting cross and frustrated. Thank you Jane for the work that you do, and thank you Sian for publishing this article
ReplyDelete"She is a Reiki Master / Practitioner for animals and humans, Horse Listener and Animal Communicator / Practitioner, Practitioner in EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) / Practitioner and Teacher of Reiki Healing and Animal Communication.
ReplyDeleteCan you explain more on this EFT? I really don't have idea about this stuff, can you elaborate more on this? Thanks!