A day in the life of...

First of all I would like to thank Horse and Hound for giving me the opportunity to work on their stand at the BETA International 2012.

A few weeks back I approached all equine magazines and asked me if they had any paid opportunities to work at the BETA International as I thought it would be a good idea to see a different side of equine magazines. Horse and Hound luckily got back to me and said they needed someone for the Tuesday. Happy to help I quickly replied, said I would love to work with them and here I am!

I was very apprehensive of working on a magazine stand trying to sell the magazine, booking in business meetings and talking to prospective clients. It is something I have not done before and am very much used to just writing the content of a magazine rather than putting myself out there and attempting to get people to want to buy it.

I don't think I need to have worried though as when I arrived at the stand at 9:15 this morning the two ladies I was to be working with were lovely. It was great fun convincing people to take the magazines and I even managed to bag a few subscriptions. Result?

Not only did I have to do the above but I also had to try and generate interest in advertising in the magazine and those that were interested needed to be jotted down in the note book and told someone would call them back. It was a very good experience and has made me want to be an equine journalist even more now.

Whilst at BETA I had arranged to meet someone off Twitter I have been talking to; Lucy from Pony magazine was lovely and gave me some really good advice. We met for about half an hour and she also surprised me by bringing me the edition of Pony I had my first ever article in. I was 14 at the time and can remember being amazed my name and photos were in that magazine!

Also, I went up to the Equestrian Life stand to show my face and was amazed to see my column being used on the advertising boards - I cannot believe that and thank you to Louise from Equestrian Life for doing that. What a fantastic surprise. I wish I could have gotten a photo!

I think if I have learnt anything from today it will be that there are plenty more doors that potentially could be opened in the equine journalism world. I think these past few weeks I have been stuck on where I want to end up when I graduate and not look at the bigger picture. One day I hope to be on a small(er) equine magazine getting the chance to write. Writing for me is something I am passionate about and I think I need to start and make use of this more, rather than limiting myself. We will see what happens but keep your fingers crossed for me a job becomes available soon. I am itching to get out there and right now I think I would do anything just to get my chance to be an equine journalist!


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